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Thursday, July 7, 2011

8. The Smiths

I was excited about the move. It was a fresh start. My marriage was suffering, Sean was in his "terrible twos", my ass was getting bigger and the country life had served its purpose. I was delighted that I would meet up with Pat again.

Pat is the sister-in-law to Nan, a friend of mine who lived in Chatom. Nan's brother Jack is Pat's husband.

Pat and Jack and their two children came to visit Nan in Chatom one summer. While my children were with their dad at home, I was invited to Nan's house (down the dirt road and around the curve) for a taste of Jack's Margaritas *oh yeah, it's ya birthday*.

The margarita's were insanely good but anyone knows you can have great food and drink but if the company sucks, your time is wasted. Or you become wasted, either one or both. The Smith's live in McAllen, TX, just thirty minutes from Harlingen - where we would move the next Spring.

After we settled into our apartment in Harlingen I called Pat. At first she thought I was her mother-in-law's friend, Peggy so she wasn't very enthusiastic about talking to me. Ten minutes of thinking she knew who I was and trying to re-impress her, she realized that I was Nan's friend from Chatom. For awhile I was afraid I would never have one of Jack's Margaritas again. I have my priorities.

Pat and I arranged a visit. From that moment on we were best buddies. Little did she know, she had a job to do. She became my lifeline.