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Sunday, July 17, 2011

31. Pouts and Circumstance

When it came time for Savannah to graduate from Kindergarten, we were as close to front row and center as we could get. By golly e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e was going to see us.

Now, Savannah hated for anyone to gush over her. Anytime she wanted to show us something she had created, she'd point at us and sternly say, "DON'T CHEER!" So, after her display of wonderful fantastic, brilliant creativity, all we could say in our smallest best monotone voice was:

"That's really nice, Savannah."

I did have a proud mother squeal that couldn't be matched.

We were proud parents of a child that didn't want any attention on her and she let everyone know it. Okay, she was developing a fever, I'll give her that, but dad-gummit, we were at her GRADUATION! I could finally let go of the past a little and rejoice that I was, "on the ball"!

Savannah was feverish but the attention was more than she could handle. How she ended up on the front row, I'll never know. She turned her back to the audience.


I found myself trying to get her attention to give her my "straighten up right NOW!" look but she knew what to do. She kept her back to us the whole time. 

I'll never truly know why she acted the way she did. Maybe it was all because she was not feeling well. All I know is that this expression became more of the norm. Over the next two years, she took on more than any little girl should have. 

It was too much for a little girl.