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Monday, March 12, 2012

76. Special Delivery

Luckily, I remembered to get Savannah and Sean's IEP's and testing documents during the move, so transferring the information to their new school was easy. I didn't need Savannah's until the next year but at least I had them when the time came. I also had both schools mail me the children's work, journals and such. When I opened the packet from Mrs. Livingston, Sean's kindergarten picture was in it.

Savannah's second grade classmates made cards for her. It was hard to tell what she was feeling but she sure smiled when she saw all of them. I think she was glad to be in "Birmington".

by Margaret

To Savannah From Elisha

1 comment:

  1. What a handsome boy! And the cards to Savannah are priceless! So happy you kept them!
